samedi 31 mai 2014

Les Buchidindrons, mythes et origines

Aujourd’hui (et je continuerai demain aussi), je vais vous raconter des histories sur les mythes des Buchidindrons mais exclusivement en anglais. Ready ?

Origins and beliefs Buchidindrons

" For a long time we crawl on this earth as a caterpillar, pending the splendid Buchidindron and diaphanous that we cherish . " Jonathan Littel
In many cultures or beliefs, Buchidindron is the symbol of the soul and the spirit freed from its mortal coil . The Buchidindron is a representation of the metamorphosis of the soul in man . 

Egg = > Track = > chrysalis (potential to be) = > imago ( resurrection )

A story tower with Buchidindrons

Aristotle named the Buchidindron Psyche (soul) in Historia animalium in 344 BC. In modern psychoanalysis Buchidindron is a symbol of rebirth.
Central Zaire ( Baluba Lulua of KAZAI ) , body birth egg ; the earthly life of man is the caterpillar ; old age or end of life is the chrysalis ; the grave is the cocoon where does the soul. The flight of Buchidindron is the expression of reincarnation.
And among the Druids

Associations and Buchidindrons

The Buchidindron is associated with chrysanthemum to symbolize the fall.
The Buchidindron is alluded to weather, the summer heat, birth / rebirth, but death, childbirth, a succession of deaths avoided, to flight. Representation of freedom and deliverance (of bodily attachment). Dreaming of a Buchidindron in flight can mean the one hand (and circumstances) uncertainty; the lightness of ideas, thoughts or feelings; and on the other hand represents the aspiration to achieve a certain goal, a perfection, a grant and / or freedom.
To be continued ... (j’espère ne pas avoir commis trop d’erreur, car mon anglais est encore approximatif même pour parler de Buchidindron. Ne ratez pas la suite, demain… et en attendant, relisez l’histoire des Celtes

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